
Army Navy - 2007 - Football Tickets

When: Begining April 19, 2007 at 9am

How: Tickets are available over the phone by calling 1-800-US4-NAVY, in person at the Navy Ticket Office in Ricketts Hall, and by going to www.navysports.com

Alumni are limited to 2 tickets each. Seating requests will be taken at the time of order and also class year. Sale will run until Alumni allotment has been sold or June 30, whichever occurs first.
If more tickets would like to be purchased, Alumni are advised to join the Blue & Gold or become a season ticket holder.
1-Star members are entitled to 2 tickets and 2-Star and above members are entitled to 4 tickets.
Season ticket holders can purchase as many Army/Navy tickets as they have season tickets

If Alumni have any questions, they can contact the Navy Ticket Office Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm.

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